Friday 21 December 2012

Grilled Lamb

I'm all ways looking for some local meat to grill. Well last weekend I stopped at EWE DELL Farms in Woodslee . I met the owner Rick Fuerth and he showed me all the different cuts they butcher right on site . He cut me a fresh rack of Lamb and as well I picked up some lamb kabobs. They have a real great selection in there freezers as well.
First on the menu was the Rack of lamb. Made up a marinade of basalmic vinegar , fresh garlic , crushed dried rosemary and a bit of lemon juice. Marinaded it in the fridge for 1 hour. Fired up a the charcoal starter with a full load of Basque hardwood charcoal.
 Loaded up the Weber Kettle, once it got to 325 I put on the rack of lamb. 20 minutes later it was at 145 and ready to come off. Let it rest for 10 minutes and ready to eat.

 WoW ,Best rack of lamb I have made yet.